Action - The Most Important Ingredient to Manifests Your Dreams!

I have been coaching clients for almost 20 years, although I have only been certified for the past 5 years, I was always the "friend" others sought out to help come to grips with their problems and find solutions. In fact, I would often have complete strangers start talking to me and before I knew it I was giving them relationship or career advice. It was just my gift to instinctively know what others needed. Today I am a Life Coach specializing in Law of Attraction, I also do relationship, career, weight loss and general life coaching, but since I discovered the Law of Attraction, I just want to teach others how wonderful life can be once you know how to use it and how it can change your life in every way.
You may or may not know what Law of Attraction is, but it has been around for decades, it is even in the bible, but somewhere with the advent of technology and science it was lost, but never forgotten. Many books have been written over the years and today there are websites, group meetings, videos, TV shows, and movies all dealing with the Law of Attraction. I have read several of them and so have most of my clients. When we sit down I usually hear "I have tried the Law of Attraction, I have the positive thoughts, speak the positive words, feel the positive feelings and emotions but I never get the results I wanted" or they get the result but not in the way they were hoping to get it. So we review what they did, how they went about raising their vibrations but almost always they didn't take action, or when they did it was half-hearted and they didn't really believe they could do it.
So here are some easy steps to making those dreams become your reality:
Step One: Look at the disharmony in your life and own it! Say, "I created this, my life is the result of the choices I made". This is because what we THINK and FEEL about things/people/situations determines what happens to us, so if we want to change our life we must first change our thoughts.
Example: Your driving to work, everything is going fine then someone cuts you off, your fine but THINK what a Jerk and you FEEL pissed off. At this time you can determine the whole course of your day, you can get pissed off about it, annoyed at traffic, every light that turns red, getting into work late, and all around end up having a really bad day because that one thing set you off; OR you can THINK and FEEL grateful your OK, thank God/Universe, whomever that you were not in an accident, let it go and turn up the radio to sing your favorite song as traffic moves along and you get to work with time to spare and don't give that incident another thought, just THINK and FEEL grateful for the little things that happen throughout the day and have a good day.
Step Two: When you want to manifest your new life, your future, whatever it is, you must THINK about how it would FEEL it you had that result right now. In addition, you must BE SPECIFIC about what it is you want and being open by always saying "I manifest this or something better for me now". If you simply say I want "new car" this is not specific enough, go into detail, what make, model, year, color, features, etc. do you want?
Example: One of my clients wanted, no needed a new car, hers had over 160,000 miles, every time she turned around something else was going wrong so she set her intentions of getting a "new" car, she thought about how nice it would be to have a "new" car that didn't break down and cost her so much money, she imagined how it would feel to drive the new car and even went on line car shopping. Then one day her mother called and said she was buying a new car and asked my client if she wanted hers for free. My client thanked her mom and turned it down because she was so certain she was going to get a "new" car. My client's car died the next week and she took all her money and decided she was ready to buy a "new" car. Unfortunately, her credit was not good and she could not afford the new car, the dealer offered to sell her a used car. She ended up buying the same year and make as her mother was going to "give" her. What was the lesson? She was not SPECIFIC when she set her intentions on a "new" car, knowing this or something better for her will manifest, the Universe gave her a "new" car, it was the free car from her mother, she didn't accept that it was what she needed now and wasn't grateful for what she manifested, so she ended up with it anyway but it cost her.
Step Three: This is the most important step and the one that most people don't do. You must take ACTION, you can THINK about what you want, you can FEEL the outcome, you can be SPECIFIC in what you want, but if you don't take ACTION to manifest what you want then the Law of Attraction is not going to work! The Universe/God is not going to be able to help you if you don't help yourself.
Example: You want a new job, the one you have doesn't pay very well, you work long hours, your boss never give you credit for the work you do and always talks down to you. You feel unworthy and worthless by the time you get home you just want to crawl in bed. So you decide, that's in it, I am going to use the Law of Attraction to get a new job. You go through the steps, you THINK about what kind of job you want, you FEEL how good it is to be appreciate and how nice it is to only work a 40 hour work week, how nice it is to work with positive people. You are SPECIFIC on what the job will be like, always saying this or something better for me, but what you don't do is take ACTION. You may look at job postings and tell your friends you are looking for a job, but you don't submit your resume, you don't contact placement agencies, you don't post it on Facebook and ask your friends to help you, you just sit back and wait for the Law of Attraction to work, and it doesn't, because you didn't take ACTION.
So, to sum it up, below is a cute little cartoon I found:

ALWAYS TAKE ACTION, and watch your life change for the better.